On WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16th Monthly Meetings & Presentations Will Resume at the Point Richmond Community Center at 139 Washington Avenue, Point Richmond
Meetings will continue to be held the 3rd WEDNESDAY OF EACH MONTH (except for December) from 7:00 – 9:00 PM
for the diligence and care on our behalf in securing the right to utilize the Point Richmond Community Center for Arts of Point Richmond and other non-profit community organizations. Due to your commitment to our community, AOPR will resume the monthly meetings and presentations.
All are welcome to share the passion and support for the arts with Arts of Point Richmond.
JUNE Featured Speaker Presentation By
Don Beck
Fine Art Photographer
WEDNESDAY, June 16th, 7-9 PM
Don Beck has been exposing his vision to film for 30 plus years. Shooting in the ‘70’s with his first 35 mm Nikon and Canon cameras, he experimented on his own with camera mechanics and film quality, resulting in unusual and surprising images. Encouraged by these early results, he focused on nuances of light, shape, texture and color, chasing graphic images and found objects in the natural world. The discovery of the GiclĂ©e printing process has enhanced the painterly quality of his work and created a long pursued “bridge” between painting and photography, resulting with the sponsorship of solo shows by the Fine Art Department at the University of Art in San Francisco, California. He has also had numerous solo and group shows in California and Hawaii where attendees, photographers and artists describe his images as being “painted with a camera.”
www.donbeckimages.com donbeck@donbeckimages.com