Sunday, January 24, 2010

2010 Calendar Update

Meetings of the AOPR group are held the 3rd Wednesday of every month at Brasil 25 West Restaurant. Upcoming dates are:
* February 17th, 6-8 PM
* March 17th, 6-8pm , Featured Speaker is David O'Rourke, local author, water colorist and documetarian with a recent film on PBS. He is also a Dominican Priest, Canon Lawyer for the Oakland Diocese & Parochial Administrator for Our Lady of Mercy Parich in Point Richmond

Current exhibit locations of AOPR members' work:

* "Local Artists Supporting Community" Point Richmond Post Office Bay Windows - Artists are Rita Bagley, Painter and Virginia Rigney, Sculptor

* "Local Artists Supporting Community" Betts Building @ 217 West Richmond Avenue - Artsits are Susan Shore, Painter/Sculptor, Linda Drake, Painter/Illustrator of Vintage Views of Old Point Richmond Town, Steven Hurst, Functional Art (clocks)/Painter

* "The Point is Abstraction" Brasil 25 West Restaurant - 15 local artsists

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tom Brichta to Speak at Meeting

Thomas Brichta, a well known Fine Art Photographer, will be the speaker at AOPR's January 20th Meeting. Tom's presentation will follow a brief business meeting and begin about 6:45 PM. You can also visit Tom's website to see his work or catch his exhibit, The World Through My Lens, currently on view from Jan 10, 2009 – April 12, 2009 at the
Atrium Art Gallery
Marin Cancer Institute
1350 Elseo Drive
Greenbrae, CA 94904

Friday, January 8, 2010


AOPR has received a grant from the Point Richmond Gateway Foundation. The award reads Congratulations on your project to purchase an Art Display System for your organization's art exhibits. During the two years of existence, the Arts of Point Richmond has contributed greatly to the culture and joy of the community. Your members should be very proud of the quality of their work and pleased with the excitement it brings to those who see it.

AOPR First Meeting of 2010

This year's first meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 20th from 6 to 8 PM at Brasil Restaurant, West Richmond Ave., in Point Richmond.
Altha Humphrey, AOPR Founder 2008